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File type:PDF File size:924.72kb Date:2019-08-17
Gb15763.2-2005 safety glass for building Part 2: toughened glass
建筑用安全玻璃 GB15763.2-2005 第二部分:钢化玻璃Download -
File type:PDF File size:6952.63kb Date:2019-08-17
Gbt37655-2019 code for acceptance of photovoltaic and building integrated power generatio
GBT37655-2019光伏与建筑一体化发电系统验收规范 光伏与建筑一体化发电系统验收规范 本标准规定了光伏与建筑一体化发电系统验收的术语和定义,验收的基本要求,以及结构相关工程验收、电气工程验收、系统整体验收等分项验收的内容。 本标准适用于新建、改建和扩建的工业、民用建筑与太阳能光伏一Download -
File type:PDF File size:8697.10kb Date:2019-07-11
Evaluation standard for green building (GB / T 50378-2019)
Evaluation standard for green building (GB / T 50378-2019)Download -
File type:DOCX File size:640.75kb Date:2019-06-24
National standard of the people's Republic of China safety glass for building Part 3: lam
本部分为 GB 15763的第3部分。 本部分与EN ISO 12543-1:1998《夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃——第1部分 部件的定义和描述》、EN ISO 12543-2:2006《夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃——第2部分 夹层安全玻璃》、EN ISO 12543-3:1998《夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃——第3部分 夹层玻璃》、EN ISO 12543-4:1998《夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃—Download -
File type:PDF File size:5447.79kb Date:2018-11-14
U-shaped glass for building jct867-2000
This standard specifies the classification, size specification, requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules, packaging, transportation and storage of U-shaped glass for construction. This standard is applicable to U-shaped glass used in builDownload -
File type:PDF File size:2454.36kb Date:2018-11-14
U-shaped glass interior decoration standard national building standard design atlas 11j50